Small Batch Chicken Tamales Without Lard


Small Batch Chicken Tamales Without Lard

Small Batch Chicken Tamales Without Lard
Small Batch Chicken Tamales Without Lard

"These Instant Pot No Lard Tamales are made in a small batch so you can finish them quickly and easily without an all day kind of commitment. The typical tamale recipe makes about 45-50 tamales. It takes several hours. The time is intentionally reduced in this recipe since it’s a small batch and only makes 15 or 16 tamales. People just need a place to start. This is my beginner recipe to help get you started. Using chicken, especially leftover chicken, eliminates all the time involved in slow cooking pork or beef. I’ve used a jar of salsa verde instead of making it from scratch."

Makes16 Tamales

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