Couscous Oranais
- 2 lbs. dry couscous grains
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 3 lbs. lamb, cut in pieces
- 1 large yellow onion, chopped
- 2 tomatoes, quartered
- pinch of saffron
- salt to taste
- pepper
- 2 potatoes, peeled and quartered
- 4 zucchini, halved lengthwise
- 4 carrots, halved lengthwise
- 1/2 bunch celery with stalks chopped in thirds
- 1 1/2 cup dried chickpeas, soaked overnight and boiled for one hour
- handful of raisins, washed
- 3 oz.s butter
- 1 or 2 cinnamon sticks
- water
(Western Algeria). SERVES 6 TO 8. Wash the couscous. Heat the oil in the lower half of the couscousier. Add the lamb and onions and brown them for 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste and cook for an additional 10 minutes. Add water to cover, bring to the boil, then add the potatoes, zucchini, carrots, celery and chickpeas. Reduce heat to a simmer. Put the couscous in the top half of the couscousier, place it atop the stock pot and seal. Allow to steam for half an hour after vapor begins to rise from the whole surface of the couscous. Remove from heat, remove the top half of the couscousier and pour the couscous into the gsaa. Break up any clumps. Cool, sprinkle lightly with cold water and allow the couscous to air. Rake the couscous and sprinkle again with water until the grains are swollen and saturated. Leave the grains to absorb all the moisture. Check the seasoning of the stock and add water if needed. Return the pot to moderate heat. Put the couscous in the top half of the couscousier, place it on the lower pot and again seal the two halves. Sprinkle the raisins over the top of the couscous, then cover with a cloth napkin, which will trap the steam and help the raisins to swell. Steam the couscous for roughly 20 minutes more, then put the hot couscous and raisins into the gsaa, add the butter and mix well, coating the grains. Add the cinnamon sticks and saffron to the simmering stock 5-10 minutes before serving. Heap the couscous in a large bowl or platter, forming a mound with a well in the middle. Place the lamb and vegetables in the well, spoon on as much stock as the couscous will absorb and serve with a bowl of extra stock on the side.
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