
Asian Noodles in Hoisin Sauce

Asian Noodles in Hoisin Sauce

"This recipe yields enough sauce mixture to serve 4 people. I usually make 2 noodle bowls and divide the rest of the sauce to freeze. Next time, just defrost one package and make some noodles. Woohoo! You have a nice and quick lunch right there!"

NotesI used Thai stir-fried rice noodle in this recipe, but any type of rice noodle works fine.
This sauce mixture freezes well. If you don’t have 4 people to serve, slim down the noodle amount and freeze the rest of the sauce for later, or double the recipe to make more sauce.



  • 8 oz ground pork
  • 8 oz edamame, shelled
  • 8 oz extra firm tofu, diced
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 5 tablespoons hoisin sauce
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • shredded cucumbers for garnishing
  • 8 oz wide rice noodles (please refer to the noodle package for serving amount)
  1. Cook noodles according to the package instruction. Drain, divide into 4 bowls and set aside.

  2. While cooking the noodles, start preparing the sauce mixture. In a sauté pan, heat up vegetable oil over high heat, add onion and sauté until fragrant (about 1 minute).

  3. Add ground pork. Stir to brown (about 2 minutes).

  4. Stir in hoisin sauce, soy sauce and tofu. Mix and cook for another minute.

  5. Add edamame, stir until even. (Don’t cook edamame for too long, otherwise they get mushy.)

  6. Divid sauce mixture into 4 portions and add into the noodle bowls. Top with shredded cucumbers and serve immediately. Mix well before eating. Enjoy!


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