
Sweet Potato & Sausage Hash

By: April Woods from
Sweet Potato & Sausage Hash
Sweet Potato Sausage Hash

"I went back to my paleo diet. I'm not doing a hardcore whole30 this time, because I'm not prepared to survive without wine (judge me if you must - I can handle it). But I know my body feels better, and my pants button easier when I follow this diet. Why am I going on and on about this you ask? No, no, I'm not going to try to convince you to do it with me! (Although if you want, I'm happy to help support your journey!). Rather, I'm just giving you a painfully long winded introduction to my favorite breakfast. And honestly, I love (love love) this Sweet Potato & Sausage Hash recipe even when I'm not cutting out grains and dairy, so hopefully you'll enjoy it regardless of what diet you subscribe to!"