
Marie Biscuit Pudding Cake

By: The FoodXP from
Marie Biscuit Pudding Cake
Marie Biscuit Pudding Cake

"Pulling out the imaginary box of memories today, I remember my “sisters’ quicky dessert”. Being the little one; you also might have had the pleasure to sit back and enjoy your sister's experiment. Be it the disastrous cooking or the study projects your big sister gives it just the perfect shot. While she is away I remember how perfectly she cooked some of the most amazing desserts. Down my entire life I have been her greatest fan; just for this little mouth-watering treat. This one is a dessert of some of my favourite ingredients, I am going to share this one with you."

NotesAnd stay tuned for more such additions to your life….

Lots of hunger from

  1. Checkout Marie Biscuit Pudding Cake at