
Strawberry Puree

By: Devan Cameron from Braised and Deglazed
Strawberry Puree
Strawberry Puree

"Strawberry puree is an easy (and delicious!) way to use up strawberries that are about to go bad. You can use this sauce with all sorts of things like yogurt, ice cream, smoothies, or even with some savory meat dishes. I like adding fresh lime to strawberries because it brightens them up and gives them a little extra freshness. Frozen or Fresh fruit? You can use either fresh or frozen strawberries to make this puree. But with fresh strawberries, you can cure them to enhance the flavour slightly. On the other hand, frozen fruit will actually puree better because the freezing breaks down the cell walls of the fruit and makes it easier to blend. Get the full recipe at Braised and Deglazed! "

NotesGet the full recipe plus more like this at Braised and Deglazed!