Rose lavender dry martini
"Vintage style dry martini cocktail using homemade cold infused gin flavoured with juniper, rose, lavender, orange, coriander, paired with French Vermouth and orange bitters, garnished with a citrus twist. The martini was originally a sweet cocktail using sweet Old Tom style gin, sweet Italian Vermouth, sugar syrup and sweet liqueurs. The Dry Martini recipe of the 1890's was a step away from sweetness using a new style of dry unsweetened London Dry or Plymouth Gin with equal parts French Vermouth, orange bitters and a citrus twist. The enduring popularity of the martini recipe is evident in recipes for the Dry Martini appearing in late 1930's cocktail manuals where the recipe calls for the same ingredients but in a 2:1 ratio of gin to vermouth. This homemade cold infused gin offers a unique flavour profile showcased in a vintage style 2:1 dry martini with French Vermouth, orange bitters and a seasonal blood orange twist for a luscious fresh floral citrus cocktail."
Serves1 cocktail