Thai Iced Coffee
- 1/4 cup strong French roasted coffee
- 1/2 cup boiling water
- 2 tsps sweetened condensed milk
Mix the above and pour over ice. I'd probably use less water and more coffee and milk. (But then I prefer Vietnamese coffee.) The French coffee served at the Vietnamese restaurants here in Austin make it with condensed milk, very strong coffee, and the ice. It is brought to the table in small glasses with the condensed milk in the bottom and a small drip coffee maker atop that. Once the coffee has completely dripped down you stir it up and pour it in a glass of ice. The one place where I have had Thai coffee brought it to the table already mixed but it had the same flavor. You have to get the Thai ground coffee from the Thai market to make the iced coffee. From there, just treat it like any regular coffee to make it, but add LOTS of sugar to sweeten it and then refrigerate to cool it. There is also a stronger version of Thai coffee called "Oleng" which is very strong to me and to a lot of coffee lovers. I've seen at Vietnamese restaurants, and now use at home, Cafe Du Monde coffee from the New Orleans coffeehouse of the same name. It's available at Asian stores for a good price. Make doublestrength coffee with this and pour into a glass with a couple tablespoons sweetened condensed milk (also from Asian stores), stir to dissolve. Add ice. (if you add the ice before the coffee, it will be harder to dissolve the thick, syrupy milk). You can also get little gizmos from Asian stores which are like mini Bistro-style coffee makers (eg: Bodum): a cup-like thing with perforated bottom and a plunger-like top which screws onto it. Fill with coffee, add plunger (but don't screw down tight), then fill with hot water. Let drip until done into cup with sweetened condensed milk. Stir and pour into glass with crushed ice. I forgot to mention, Cafe Du Monde is pretty much a French roast, and has some chicory in it. Makes the taste of Vietnamese Cafe Sua Da more interesting than using more mundane coffees. The Thai Cafe Yen (spelling?) which I've had uses heavy cream instead of the sweetened condensed milk.
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