Homemade Chili Seasoning
By: Gina Lincicum from MoneywiseMoms

Homemade Chili Seasoning
"Making your own chili seasoning homemade is easy and quick. I’ll share what spices are in chili and why I love making my own spice blends! There’s nothing like chili on a cool night, and you can make it even quicker when you keep homemade seasoning for chili recipes on hand. When you make your own spice mixes, you avoid preservatives and extra salt. There’s also a huge price difference. Why pay $2-4 for an 8 ounce container of chili seasoning when you can make almost 3 cups “homemade chili seasoning” that’s 2 to 4 times stronger and costs only pennies per batch?"
Makes6 1/2 Tablespoons
Preparation Time5 min