
Buffalo Shrimp (not Breaded Or Fried)

By: Pam Brand from Biscuits & Burlap
Buffalo Shrimp (not Breaded Or Fried)
Buffalo Shrimp not Breaded Or Fried

"Shrimp with all of the buffalo style flavors you love in a healthier version. This one is not breaded or fried, making it the perfect choice for those cutting back. So many people love buffalo sauce! But there are a lot of you out there who avoid it because it typically goes on chicken wings or shrimp that has been breaded and fried. Now don’t get me wrong… We do love our old southern fried favorites around here like country fried steak and fried chicken. But, anywhere we can cut back and not compromise the integrity of a dish we’re going to do just that."

Serves4 People