
Vanillekipferl Vanilla Crescent shaped Cookies


  • 130 gram ground almonds (I use the ones with the skins still in)
  • 300 gram all purpose flour MINUS 3 tablespoons PLUS 3 tablespoons
  • cornstarch, sieved together, OR use 300 g type 1050 flour if you can find it
  • 300 gram softened butter
  • 100 gram Demarara (golden brown) sugar
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest from an untreated lemon
  • 4 tablespoon powdered sugar sieved together with 3 teaspoons vanilla sugar


Quantity makes about 70. By hand, or using the dough hook of a kitchen machine, mix the almonds, flour, sugar and lemon peel to a smooth dough. Wrap it in foil or cling wrap and cool in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Heat the oven to 200 C. On a floured board, roll the dough out into 3 1/2 cm diameter (1 1/2") sausage shapes of manageable length and chill for a further 10 minutes. Cut nut-sized pieces from the dough sausages and gently finger-form them into fat crescent shapes. Batch-bake them on baking paper, not too close together, for 12 - 15 minutes. Put the powdered sugar mixture into a soup plate or similar deep plate, and roll the hot kipferl in this sugar mixture. Cool on a wire rack.


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