Bbqed Chicken Legs and Thighs
Cooking MethodGrilling
- 10 lbs. chicken leg quarters
- 3-24 oz. bottles Barbecue Sauce
- 3 drops habanero hot sauce or Dave's Insanity
Cut up leg quarters into three pieces: leg, thigh, and the back portion which you will discard. Put chicken in ice water while you prepare your grill. Fill chimney to the top and start charcoal. When charcoal is ready, pour the coals in and push them out to the perimeter. There should be no coals directly under the center of the grill, and all three bottom vents should be closed. You may need to place a few more unstarted briquets on top of the already started ones. Place pieces of hicory bark on top of charcoal and while using the spray bottle to extinguish flames with your dominant hand, use the other to put the chicken on the grill. Put the lid on the kettle with vent closed. The first 1-1/2 hours are flipping the chicken, adding hickory through the grill grates, spraying hot spots, and moving each piece around so that the least done pieces get moved to hotter areas of the grill. This part is an aquired skill. By the time that the chicken is "done," the coals will be very burned down, but there should still be enough left to start pieces of hickory. Take one of the bottles of barbecue sauce and add to it three drops of hot sauce. Shake well, and use this for the first basting of each side. After basting each side with this heated-up sauce, put that sauce aside. For subsequent bastings, use only unaltered Maull's to baste each side 2-3 more times, replacing the lid in between every basting to smoke on the sauce. This saucing regime also works well for pork shoulder (butt) steaks.
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