
Crispy Crusted Pork Tenderloin

Crispy Crusted Pork Tenderloin

Crispy Crusted Pork Tenderloin is a basic pork tenderloin recipe that produces a delicious dinner. It's simple to prepare, but it's not boring. The crispy breadcrumbs add a nice crunch to the tender pork. I served this pork tenderloin with roasted potatoes and roasted veggies. It was a delicious meal that I would gladly make again. If you're an inexperienced cook, you can still make this pork tenderloin recipe. I haven't made much pork myself, so I was a little nervous about this recipe. However, there was no need to worry because it came out just right. I checked it after 40 minutes, but the pork hadn't hit 170 degrees yet. After 5 more minutes, it was there. Make sure to turn the pan while baking so the tenderloin bakes evenly. If you notice any extra breadcrumbs burning on the pan, you can remove them during this time. For a delicious, meaty dinner, try this Crispy Crusted Pork Tenderloin today!


I made this pork with World's Easiest Roasted Potatoes and Roasted Vegetables.


Cooking Time45 min


  • 2 pound pork tenderloin (I used two 1-pound pork tenderloins)
  • 2 cup garlic herb or Italian-style bread crumbs
  • 1/2 cup olive oil


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Mix bread crumbs and olive oil to consistencey that will stick to meat when pressed, such as the consistencey of a graham cracker crust mixture.
  3. Coat pork with the bread crumb mixture on all sides by pressing with hands. Make sure that there are no pink areas showing through the coating, approximately 1/4 inch thick on all sides.
  4. Place uncovered on baking sheet and bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until meat thermometer reaches 170 degrees F. Let meat rest on pan for ten minutes and cut into slices.