Polish Sausage
- 150 pounds regular pork trimmings 50/50
- 200 pounds pork cheeks, trimmed
- 75 pounds beef trimmings, lean
- 75 pounds beef cheeks, trimmed
- 500 Lbs.Total
- 12 pounds 8 oz salt
- 10 pounds corn syrup solids
- 1 1/4 ounce sodium nitrite
- 4 1/3 ounces sodium erythorbate
- 45 pounds ice, chopped
- 1 pound 4 oz black pepper
- 10 ounces nutmeg
- 10 ounces coriander
- 15 ounces ginger
- 10 ounces caraway seed, ground
- 10 ounces garlic powder
Grind chilled beef trimmings and beef cheeks through the 1/8 inch plate of the grinder and grind pork items through the 3'8 inch plate. Transfer ground beef to the chopper, add salt (previously mixed with the seasonings, cure, sodium erythorbate, and corn syrup solids.) and ice; chop to a medium fine emulsion. Transfer beef emulsion and ground pork to a vacuum mixer, and under 27 inches vacuum, mix for 3 minutes. Transfer mixture to the stuffer. For ring Polish sausage, stuff into "export" wide beef rounds. For link sausage, stuff into 32 - 35 mm hog casings and link to desired length. After stuffing, hang sausages on properly spaced smokehouse trees and place in a preheated house at 110 - 115 F. with vents wide open to dry surface of the sausages. This will take approximately 15 - 20 minutes for the links and 30 minutes for the beef round-encased sausages, then adjust vents partially open and introduce a heavy smudge. Gradually raise the temperature of the house to 140 F. Hold this temperature until the proper cured color is obtained in the center of the sausages. Raise temperature to 165 - 170 F. and maintain this temperature until an internal meat temperature of 153 F. is obtained. (Check with current regulations.) Introduce live steam for 1 - 2 minutes. After sausages are removed from the smokehouse, transfer immediately to the steam cooker and steam for 1 - 2 minutes. After the cooking process, shower sausages with cold water until internal meat temperature is reduced to at least 110 F. Hold sausages at room temperature until casings are dry. Transfer trees to chill room (45 F.) and do not package sausages until an internal meat temperature of 50 F. or lower is reached. Sausages should be kept refrigerated through storage and marketing. POLISH SAUSAGE IN VINEGAR PICKLE All meat Polish sausages in links as prepared in the above formula may be used in this unusual version of a popular European type sausage product. Sausages must be thoroughly smoked and dried before pickling. Also, be sure that sausages are not exposed too long to a humid atmosphere during filling of the jars and that no air pockets are left between the sausages after the jars are filled with vinegar pickle. Place thoroughly smoked and dried sausages in wood or stainless steel containers and cover them with 35 grain vinegar, let stand overnight. This first step is very important. Sausages will release some water soluble materials during this immersion in vinegar which otherwise would be released in the vinegar pickle in the jars causing cloudiness and bottom sediment which would be undesirable when the product is displayed for sale. After overnight immersion in the vinegar, remove sausages and pack them in jars of suitable size. Fill jars to capacity with the following 45 grain vinegar pickle. To each 100 gallons of 45 grain vinegar, add 10 pounds of salt, 5 oz. Ascorbic acid and 5 cc oil of tarragon (Optional) Fill jars to capacity with the vinegar pickle and close. Hold under refrigeration.
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