
Basmati Rice Pudding


  • 1 gallon milk
  • 1 quart half and half
  • 10 ounce Basmati rice rinsed in cold water and drained
  • 10 ounce sugar
  • 2 pods cardamom half opened or 1/2 tsp ground cardamom


Combine all ingredients into a heavy dutch oven. Cook on medium-high until boiling, stirring often to prevent sticking, then reduce to med-low and stir for 2 hours. You may need to lower the temperature lower as ranges vary. Add cardamom a little at a time as this is a powerful spice. This is Very rich which means small servings. This recipe will feed many; not quite a cast of thousands. Have a large glass bowl ready. Cover bowl with plastic wrap letting the wrap touch the pudding to prevent a 'scum'. Refrigerate overnight if possible.


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