
“Everything Bagel” Turkey Cheddar Crescent Rolls

By: Tara Noland from /
 “Everything Bagel” Turkey Cheddar Crescent Rolls
Everything Bagel Turkey Cheddar Crescent Rolls

"Back-to-school is now upon us and everyone is thinking easy lunch box to easy dinner ideas that kids will eat. These “Everything Bagel” Turkey Cheddar Crescent Rolls fit the bill for lunch box to dinner and everything in between. I know our daughter would have loved these coming home from school as an after school snack even. She was always starving when she was in grade school. She would eat hardy after school and then a few hours later still have a great dinner. Canadian Turkey can make quick work of any meal when it comes to prepared sliced smoked turkey and kids love it too. It is a quick fix for mom or dad and a tasty and nutritious protein also."

Yields8 Servings