Green Mango Chutney
By: Sheeba Subbu from go healthy ever after

Green Mango Chutney
"Easy homemade mango chutney that needs only a handful of simple ingredients. Eat with rice and curry, chicken, fish or shrimps! It’s a sign of spring when we see mangoes start piling up at the markets and prices begin to drop. That’s when you dream of this mango chutney! Made of unripe (green) mangoes, and a few simple spices, this is a quick and easy mango chutney that is all-natural. So HEALTHY, so TASTY! This recipe makes about 2 cups of chutney and can be easily multiplied to make a huge batch and store. It keeps well in the fridge for a week or can be frozen for up to a month."
Yields2 cups
Preparation Time5 min
Cooking Time20 min