Green Eggs and Ham Waffle Sandwich


Green Eggs and Ham Waffle Sandwich

Green Eggs and Ham Waffle Sandwich
Green Eggs and Ham Waffle Sandwich

Do you like green eggs and ham? Dr. Seuss would be proud to bite into this Green Eggs and Ham Waffle Sandwich. All the best parts of breakfast and lunch have been combined into one crispy, melty, cheesy sandwich. This dish can be either savory or sweet, depending on the ingredients you select. Either way, don't worry, it's supposed to be green! The pesto spread beautifully ties together the fluffy egg, cheese, and chives filling. This Green Eggs and Ham Waffle Sandwich is the type of recipe that Instagram will love. Just look at that cheese pull. Yum!

Makes3 large waffle sandwiches

Preparation Time20 min

Cooking Time20 min

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