Chocolate Chip and Pecan Pumpkin Scones


Chocolate Chip and Pecan Pumpkin Scones

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Chocolate Chip and Pecan Pumpkin Scones
Chocolate Chip and Pecan Pumpkin Scones

These Chocolate Chip and Pecan Pumpkin Scones are pure deliciousness.  This perfect fall breakfast recipe starts with a moist, flavorful pumpkin scone that would already be delicious enough on its own to have for breakfast or with tea. It is then stuffed with as many chocolate chips and pecans as you want, however, which really puts these scones over the top into absolute decadence. Make it for your family as a special Thanksgiving breakfast, or serve it with tea for your festive fall party. No one could possibly not love these Chocolate Chip and Pecan Pumpkin Scones!

Yields12 Scones

Preparation Time15 min

Cooking Time25 min

Cooking MethodOven

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I love scones and I've been looking for some good recipes to try. At a local festival each year, there's a bakery that specializes in British treats and they produce some rather authentic scones. This recipe is something different than what I've usually encountered and it's something I definitely want to try. The addition of pecans, chocolate and pumpkin sounds like a real treat. Might try this with walnuts when I make this.


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