Hamburger Steaks With Gravy


Hamburger Steaks With Gravy

Hamburger Steaks With Gravy
Hamburger Steaks With Gravy

"These Hamburger Steaks with Gravy are a classic comfort food…and they’re easy enough to make as a weeknight meal! Quick. When is a steak not a steak? Well, when that steak is made with ground beef instead! Sometimes called Salisbury Steak or just the “poor man’s steak,” Hamburger Steaks make for an easy and delicious weeknight meal. Now I love a good burger on the grill, but sometimes you need a night out on the town. Hamburger steaks are an easy way to take a pound of ground beef and dress it up for a fancy night out on the town! Hamburger Steaks, or Salisbury Steaks, are meat patties made from ground beef and other ingredients. They’re typically served with gravy or brown sauce. Get this – when restaurants in NYC started serving Hamburger Steaks in the mid 1800’s, they went by a variety of names like Hamburg-style American fillet or beefsteak à Hambourgeoise. Now doesn’t that sound super fancy! If your family asks you what you made for dinner tonight, tell ’em beefsteak à Hambourgeoise. That’ll definitely get a reaction or two!"

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