Pennsylvania Style Souffle Omelette


Pennsylvania Style Souffle Omelette

If you were looking for easy omelette recipes but want something just a little bit different, we've found what you're looking for! This Pennsylvania Style Souffle Omelette from The Inn at Bowman's Hill is beyond delicious. Make one at home for your own B&B style brunch.



  • 2 eggs
  • vegetable oil (as needed)
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • diced sharp Cheddar cheese (optional)
  • grape tomatoes, sliced (optional)
  • mushrooms, sliced (optional)


  1. Add 1/8” vegetable oil to an 8” non-stick pan on low heat. Separate the egg white from the yolks. Beat the egg white until firm but not overly stiff.
  2. Add the egg white to the pan. The mixture should still flow. Add pepper and salt to taste.
  3. Allow to fry for 3 to 4 minutes until light brown. Lightly fold in the egg yolks over the surface of the white.
  4. Add optional fillings in a strip down the center. Carefully fold the omelette in half.
  5. Turn to high heat and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Turn over and repeat. Serve immediately.
  6. The soufflé omelette should be ½” to 1 ½” thick with a soft center and a crispy outside.

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