Cris Goode - Food Blogger


Cris Goode - Food Blogger

Cris, the FREEZE-O-RAMA mama, is creator of the blog GOODEness Gracious and Cooking Up All Kinds of GOODe Things with a Side of Life! Everyday she invites audiences to come on in and sit a spell at her kitchen table as they check out recipes freezer cooking, Super Mommy Secrets and more.

Professionally, Cris is a freelance writer, consultant, speaker, trainer and facilitator for various organizations, publications and companies. Personally, Cris enjoys photography, cooking, crafting and then blogging every minute of it! She has been married to her college sweetheart, Mike, for 13 years and they along with their 4 year-old, Miss Add, are living the GOODe life in the hills of Indiana.

Cris's Links:

Her Blog
Google +

Cris's Recipes on

Lasagna In A Pot

Super Easy Puddin' Cake

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