30-Minute Pesto Shrimp Asparagus Pasta


30-Minute Pesto Shrimp Asparagus Pasta

30-Minute Pesto Shrimp Asparagus Pasta
30-Minute Pesto Shrimp Asparagus Pasta

Don't be nervous about making your own pesto from scratch. This recipe for 30-Minute Pesto Shrimp Asparagus Pasta makes it incredibly easy. This creamy, colorful pesto pasta dish comes together in half an hour flat, and it's filled with upscale, delicious ingredients like shrimp and asparagus. You will love experimenting with making your own pesto pasta sauce. You can even change it up to feature whatever flavors you like best. This simple and easy 30-Minute Pesto Shrimp Asparagus Pasta is fit for an Italian bistro.


Preparation Time15 min

Cooking Time15 min

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