Bacon Spinach Salad in a Mason Jar


Bacon Spinach Salad in a Mason Jar

Spinach and Bacon Mason Jar Salads
Bacon Spinach Salad in a Mason Jar

This Bacon Spinach Salad in a Mason Jar may be the most creative salad you will ever see. It is a very tasty and satisfying spinach bacon salad, but the twist is that it isn't served on a plate but in a mason jar! Surprise your friends and family with this super fun meal, as they are bound to love the fresh, new look. It is so interesting and different, it may just be the best of the spinach salad ideas out there right now. So you just have to try this for yourself!

NotesThese salads keep well in the refrigerator for about a week, so you can prep them in advance and just pull them out as you need them. Just dump the ingredients onto a plate or bowl, toss with the dressing, and serve!

Yields4 Salads

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These mason jar salads look delicious and healthy.

These mason jar salads look delicious and healthy.


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