Air Fryer Asparagus


Air Fryer Asparagus

Air Fryer Asparagus
Air Fryer Asparagus

"Making these air fryer asparagus is quick, simple, and creates the perfectly crunchy yet tender side dish for any night of the week. This low-calorie, low-carb air fryer asparagus recipe is cooked up in just 9 minutes. The easiest dinner side for any day of the week! Making asparagus in the air fryer is really simple, plus there’s no need to take up even more oven space when you’re working on the main course. Making air fryer asparagus is quick, simple, and makes the perfectly crunchy yet tender veggie side dish! "


Cooking Time9 min

Cooking Vessel SizeAir Fryer


  • 1 pound Asparagus
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Freshly Ground Black Pepper
  • 1 cup Olive Oil
  1. Cut the bottom 2 inches off the asparagus.

  2. Toss in a casserole dish with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Preheat the air fryer to 400F.

  3. Visit for full printable recipe.

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