Smoked Jalapeno Poppers


Smoked Jalapeno Poppers

Smoked Jalapeno Poppers
Smoked Jalapeno Poppers

"Smoked Jalapeno Poppers are an extraordinary treat that never fails to surprise my guests! I love to put them out as an appetizer while we are chatting over a drink before dinner. Or when we have friends over on game day. They never last long and I don’t think I have ever had any left-over! I mean seriously, who doesn’t like a dollop of cream cheese now and then? And bacon, who doesn’t love that smoky taste of hickory smoked bacon? Then there is just a little heat from the jalapeno, not overpowering just the right spicy bite!"

Makes12 Poppers

Preparation Time20 min

Cooking Time2 hr

Cooking MethodSmoking

Total TimeUnder 3 Hours


Five Ingredients or LessYes

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