One Handed Southwest Casserole


One Handed Southwest Casserole


One Handed Cowboy Casserole

This recipe for One Handed Southwest Casserole gets its name from the fact that it's so easy to prepare, you could practically make it only using one hand. While we don't recommend doing so, this southwestern casserole recipe really is that simple to make. Made with cream of mushroom soup, canned black beans, chicken, cheese and topped of with crescent rolls for the crust, this hearty casserole is a supper the whole family will love. If you're looking for a different take on the traditional cowboy casserole recipe, try this version using crescent rolls for the dough!


Cooking Time30 min

Cooking MethodCasserole, Oven

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too wet. me no like.

The crescent rolls were a little soggy, but other than that, it was a great dinner!

This was so delicious! I would have loved it with a little less cheese, but everything else was perfect!

This is a great recipe for a savory and delicious meal. I loved all the spices and flavors!


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