Velveeta Chicken Spaghetti Casserole


Velveeta Chicken Spaghetti Casserole

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Velveeta Chicken Spaghetti Casserole

This recipe is comfort food at its finest. Velveeta Chicken Spaghetti Casserole is an easy casserole recipe perfect for any night when you need a quick, easy, and satisfying meal. Chicken breast, pepper, onion, and spaghetti noodles make up this easy-to-make casserole. Velveeta cheese and cream of chicken soup make it super creamy, cheesy, and absolutely delicious. What's best about this recipe is you can make a double batch and freeze a casserole for later!


Love comforting pasta casseroles? Find more like this one in our list of 20 Amazingly Easy Pasta Bake Recipes.

Cooking Time45 min

Cooking MethodOven, Casserole

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Good recipe for a casserole. I changed the green peppers to celery and sauteed those along with the onions. I also added shredded carrots and a bit of parsley for taste and color, used water instead of stock, and threw on some bread crumbs the last 10 minutes under the broiler. I'd make it again. My family really liked it! Great way to use leftover chicken and sneak in some more vegetables!


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