Sheet Pan Jerk Chicken with Pineapple


Sheet Pan Jerk Chicken with Pineapple


Sheet Pan Jerk Chicken with Pineapple
Sheet Pan Jerk Chicken with Pineapple

"This Sheet Pan Jerk Chicken with Pineapple is full of spicy and sweet flavor that your family will love. It’s quick and easy to prepare in one pan and full of good for you vegetables. Pounding out the chicken breasts ensures that they will be moist and reduces the cooking time. The breasts are covered in a spice mixture that can be adjusted to your liking. It's a family favorite in our house. {gluten free, whole30, paleo}"

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Pineapple pairs so well with chicken, and with sweet peppers too, so I figured this was going to be a nice dish and I was right. And the various spices add wonderful layers of flavor to this dish so that ones taste buds are totally wowed! The veg was very good too although next time we will add a little extra spiciness because that is how we like it, lol!

Sheet Pan has become my new mantra for dinner recipes. I just love the ease and convenience of meals cooked all in one pan. This Sheet Pan Jerk Chicken is full of sweet and spicy flavor that is sure to please your family. I like to serve it with rice, and a green salad. I'm going to follow the lead of SissieSass and serve Coconut Cream Pie with it for dessert.

This recipe is definitely going on my save list. I have always wanted to try jerk chicken and never have, but I plan to add this to the menu for this week because I already have all the ingredients on hand. What would you recommend to go with the chicken as a side and a dessert? I was thinking maybe coconut cake or pie and some type of veggie, but I want something creamy too.


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