Salted Caramel Two Ingredient Ice Cream


Salted Caramel Two Ingredient Ice Cream

Salted Caramel Two Ingredient Ice Cream
Salted Caramel Two Ingredient Ice Cream

"You might be familiar with the no-churn ice cream recipe, which uses nothing but sweetened condensed milk whipped lightly into heavy cream, plus coffee or other flavouring. Because of condensed milk’s high fat and sugar content, it doesn’t freeze; in both liquids there’s barely any water that might form those pesky ice crystals ice cream makes strive to churn out.I went a step further. Since I figured caramel is concentrated condensed milk, it would act both as an emulsifier and flavouring. This is the simplest ice cream recipe in the world, and the product tastes pretty much like it was made with eggs, custard, milk, homemade caramel; chilled for hours and churned patiently in a machine. The tasters, not privy to the production process, enthusiastically approved."

NotesTwo ingredient ice cream; no equipment needed.

Yields2 Pints

Preparation Time5 min

Chilling Time2 hr

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Can ice cream get any easier than this recipe? How does the texture of this ice cream turn out? I want to make this because you put a little salt in the mix, and I love a good caramel and salt dessert. It sounds so delicious. It will definitely curb my sweet and salty craving that I get all the time.

You had me at two ingredients. So tasty and SUPER EASY.


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