Homemade Pomegranate Grenadine


Homemade Pomegranate Grenadine

Homemade Pomegranate Grenadine
Homemade Pomegranate Grenadine

"Homemade grenadine, also known as pomegranate syrup, is made from fresh in season pomegranates flavoured with low GI cane sugar, homemade pomegranate molasses featuring lemon and heat reduction to create complex sugars and rose water. The homemade from scratch pomegranate molasses adds an extra complexity and depth of flavour to the syrup and includes lemon along with sugar, being a further reduced and thicker syrup. Both the grenadine, or pomegranate syrup, and the pomegranate molasses are easy to make, but do take a little time and advance preparation. Pomegranates are messy to juice but I say embrace the messiness and the process because the end result is a very flavoursome bespoke grenadine syrup that can be used in a range of different cocktails including new school daisy’s such as those described by David Wondrich in Imbibe and Harry’s pick me up cocktail from Harry Craddock’s (1930) The Savoy Cocktail Book."

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