Easy Orange Creamsicles


Easy Orange Creamsicles

Easy Orange Creamsicles
Easy Orange Creamsicles

These Easy Orange Creamsicles will make your summer a little brighter. This classic popsicle recipe is most memorable for being your favorite treat on the ice cream truck, and now you can share it with your kids by making it at home. Made with simple ingredients you can pick up next time you're at the grocery store, this is a fun activity to do with your kids or to surprise them with on a hot summer's afternoon. Nothing tastes better on a hot day than an ice-cold popsicle - it's simply one of the best summer desserts around! No matter when you serve these little treats, summer is bound to get a little sweeter.

Yields6 creamsicles

Preparation Time5 min


  • 1 (6-ounce) can frozen orange juice concentrate, defrosted
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream, softened
  • 3/4 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon orange zest
  • 2 1/2 (3-ounce) paper cups
  • lollipop sticks or popsicle sticks


  1. In a 2-cup liquid measuring cup whisk the orange juice, cream, ice cream, vanilla and orange zest.

  2. Pour the mixture into the paper cups.

  3. Place cups in the freezer and after 45 minutes-60 minutes insert the lollipop or popsicle sticks in the center of each cup.

  4. Freeze for another 4-5 hours or until solidly frozen.

  5. Carefully remove from the paper cups and enjoy!

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Orange Creamsicles are such a nostalgic treat for most of us and the flavors are simply classic...with the perfect amount of sweetness and a touch of creamy fruitiness. I'd probably puree some fresh oranges instead of the orange juice...do you think that would ruin the texture? I just think it would give it a more natural flavor and make it much less bitter.

Lovely recipe, just enough zesty orange flavor to keep it from getting overly sweet. It's becoming a family favorite this summer!

These were flavorful and refreshing! A little bitter but better than being too sweet.


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