Spiked Limeade


Spiked Limeade

Spiked Limeade
Spiked Limeade

"This spiked limeade recipe consists of Seagram's 7 whiskey, lemon-lime soda, limeade, and a garnish of sliced lime. This quick and easy 3 ingredient spiked limeade is a refreshing cocktail for a hot summer day that comes together in just 5 minutes. his whiskey lemon drink consists of Seagram’s 7 whiskey, lemon-lime soda, limeade, and a garnish of sliced lime or lemon. We always love a simple cocktail recipe that’s made in a snap, especially when you have guests over. "


Preparation Time5 min

Cooking Vessel Sizecocktail Shaker


  • 3 ounces Seagram's 7 Whisky
  • 6 ounces Lemon Lime Soda
  • 1 ounce Limeade
  1. Fill a cocktail shaker 1/2 full with ice.

  2. Pour Seagram’s 7, Lemon-Lime Soda, and Limeade into shaker.

  3. Visit https://amandascookin.com/spiked-limeade/ for full printable recipe.

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