Asian Slaw


Asian Slaw

Asian Slaw
Asian Slaw

"This refreshing and flavorful Asian slaw uses a homemade ginger peanut dressing, toasted sesame seeds, and chopped cilantro for a delicious twist on a traditional coleslaw recipe. Perfect for summer picnics or as a side dish for any meal. This tasty cabbage slaw combines both green and red cabbage, crunchy carrots, sweet red bell peppers, toasted sesame seeds, and cilantro tossed in a sweet and savory ginger peanut dressing. The dressing is so good you will want to drink it. I love to serve this flavorful salad with crispy chicken or grilled shrimp. Whatever you serve it with, you will want to savor every bite. This tasty cabbage slaw combines both green and red cabbage, crunchy carrots, sweet red bell peppers, toasted sesame seeds, and cilantro tossed in a sweet and savory ginger peanut dressing. "

Yields6 Servings

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