Best Cheesy Holiday Potatoes


Best Cheesy Holiday Potatoes

1 Comment

Best Cheesy Holiday Potatoes
Best Cheesy Holiday Potatoes

"Make these once, and they will be your holiday potatoes for years to come! They are creamy, cheesy, rich and wonderful -- what more you could want? This holiday side dish will be a recipe you'll want to keep around for your most special occasions."


Cooking Time1 hr 15 min

Cooking Vessel Size9x13-inch baking dish


  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 1 cup new traditional swanson cream starter
  • 2 cups grated cheddar cheese
  • 2 tablespoons parsley flakes

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I love discovering recipes that introduce me to new products that I wasn't aware of. I've used the Swanson broths before, but the New Cream Starter is something I was unfamiliar with. I haven't seen it in any of the stores I frequent, though that just may be that I wasn't looking for that particular item. The recipe sounds totally delicious since I love cheesy potatoes and this sounds like a total winner, especially with some crumbled bacon sprinkled on top.


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