Beef and Potato Gratin
- 400 grams minced beef
- 1 kg potatoes and/or kaukau
- 1 bunch kumu (aibika or pumpkin leaves)
- 1 onion, sliced
- 1/2 litre milk
- 200 grams grated cheese
- oil
- salt
- pepper
Peel and boil the potatoes until cooked. Mash. Heat the milk and stir it into the potatoes. Meanwhile, in a skillet heat oil and fry the onion. Add the meat and cook for 5 minutes. Wash and chop the kumu and tomato then add to the meat and cook for another 5 minutes or until the kumu is cooked. Season with salt and pepper. Great a baking tin. Spread half of the mashed potatoes, then the meat mixture and finally the rest of the potates. Sprinkle with cheese and bake in th eoven until the cheese is melted. Serve.