Baked Old Fashioned Donuts


Baked Old Fashioned Donuts

Baked Old Fashioned Donuts
Baked Old Fashioned Donuts

"These Baked Old Fashioned Donuts will remind you just how delicious breakfast can taste! This simple donut recipe will give you familiar old fashioned donuts without all the hassle of rolling, cutting, and frying the dough. From start to finish, they take just 25 minutes to prepare. These old fashioned donuts are perfectly sweet and cakey without being too sugary. They make a great breakfast treat or delicious snack any time of day! This is one recipe you will happy to have on hand and I promise you will turn to it time and time again."

Yields18 donuts

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When I looked at that photo of those donuts, that Cher song "Believe" came to mind. That's how delicious they look. That's how hungry they make me. "Do you believe in life after love?"

These look delicious! I like that they don't have a super thick icing.


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