Damper Is a Bread Type of Substance Used To Replace Bread. It Is
Cooking MethodGrilling
- There is no quantity type recipe for this - you make it up as you
- go.
generally attributed to Australian bushmen who would make some up. to cook in the dying embers of their campfires The recipe was made. from the staple products available to the average "bushy" at the. time - plain flour, water, milk and salt.. Basically you take a quantity of flour (say 250 - 500 grams, or 4 to 8 oz) and a pinch of salt. Add to this either enough water to make a dough, or equal quantities of milk and water to make a dough. The dough should be rather firm. It may need some kneading. Take a large sheet of foil and put the dough right in the middle. Wrap the dough in the foil and place it under the coals of your fire, or in your oven heated to, at a guess, 200C and take it out and check occasionally until it's done. That's how you make it. It's best eaten with a knob of butter and a cup of billy tea. This is made by putting a few teaspoons of tea and a heap of eucalyptus leaves in a billy - a tin can used to heat water over a fire. Billy tea should never be drunk with milk and damper should never be made with self-raising flour.
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