Pumpkin Dump Cake


Dump cake recipes are great when you need a quick and easy dessert that taste great and is ready in minutes. Pumpkin Dump Cake is great for the fall season, but can be made any time of year. Made with cake mix and a touch of added cinnamon, brown sugar, and nutmeg, its moist texture and delicious flavor will win you over. Enjoy for a great after dinner treat or with a cup of coffee in the morning. Best fresh out of the oven, you don't want to miss this fabulous cake recipe.


  • If you do not have pumpkin pie spice mix, combine 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon ginger and a pinch of ground cloves.  Use 3 teaspoons of this mixture in the recipe.

For more pumpkin recipes, try our collection, 27 of Our Best Canned Pumpkin Recipes + 6 Fantastic Fresh Pumpkin Recipes.


Cooking Time1 hr


  • 1 large can of pumpkin
  • 1 can (12-ounce) nonfat evaporated milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 package (18.25-ounce) yellow cake mix
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1 cup chopped pecans


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Spray a 9 x 13 baking pan with cooking spray.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk the eggs until beaten, then whisk in the sugar, and spices.  Stir in the pumpkin and then the milk until smooth and well mixed. Pour into the prepared baking pan.
  3. Sprinkle the dry cake mix evenly on top and pour the butter over it to moisten all of the cake mix. Top with the pecans and bake for 55- 60 minutes until the center is no longer “jiggly."
  4. Cool completely before cutting to serve.

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Tasted great! It's perfect for the fall season.

So happy pumpkin season is here! This pumpkin dump cake did not disappoint. It was very tasty and I highly recommend it as a dessert to bring to a gathering.

Mmmmmm. Pumpkin pie in casserole form. Honestly, you could put pumpkin in any just about an dessert form and I'd be a happy camper. The special streusel-like topping was the piece de resistance.

OH MY GOODNESS. This was the most delicious cake ever. I have a major sweet tooth and this cake was super sweet, so I am very happy. This might be my new favorite fall dessert.

I was craving a pumpkin dessert, and this really hit the spot!

This cake was very sweet, so next time I would make this with less sugar.

The top of this cake is aesthetically pleasing, with the pecans and just the general texture, so in addition to being delicious, it is nice to look at. SO GOOD.

Instead of a yellow cake mix, a spice cake mix would work very well too.

What is a "large" can of pumpkin?

usually 29 oz.

usually 29 oz.

In the start of the recipe you indicate there's a touch of brown sugar. However, in the ingredients you only list white sugar. Since I'm a senior citizen and have cooked for more years than I care to count, I may try this using brown sugar as the sugar ingredient and see how it does. You might want to edit it for those who are newer to cooking.

Second time making this but the two recipes were not exactly the same. So I added 1cup crushed graham crackers on top as well as the pecans. I bought the honey roasted kind. My husband and I loved it!

don't know why it is called a cake, it is more like pumpkin Pie dessert if you add brown sugar ( 1/2 cup) in place of white sugar it makes a darker pie, and use only 12 cup of the yellow cake mix and one table spoon of butter(margarine) chopped up add the pecans... and sprinkle on top...bake 1 hr. or when knife inserted a inch from the edge, comes out clean.... done...yummy add cool whip on top.... yum

oops.... mistake------- i meant 1/2 cup of the yellow cake mix. NOT 12 cup of yellow cake mix.... SORRY THE TYPO MISTAKE... grannymi 9550493 Jan 13, 2013

I'm going to re-name this recipe "Upside Down Pumpkin Pie". It is fabulous, but the bottom stays moist while the top gets crusty. Not cake-like at all, and I followed the directions exactly. Love it, because I love Pumpkin Pie. :-)

My email was titled "Grandma's Great Depression Cake, plus 11 Reader Favorites". Grandma must have hit the Prozac heavily and forgot to include her recipe.

I wrote the comment, but I still don't have the recipe for "Grandma's Great Depression Cake." Do you want my recipe for a Depression Plant made with a lump of coal and table salt?

Can I use the Pumpkin Pie Mix (all seasonings)? If I can, do I add the evaporated milk and the eggs?

Ive used it already in place of the pumpkin puree and added eggs and evaporated milk.

Can I use a gluten free cake mix for this recipe to make a gluten free cake?

I usually LOVE anything pumpkin, but found this to be way way way too sweet

The cake mix makes it so sweet. I cut back on the sugar in the pumpkin part and it helped cut back some of the sweetness.

Well, does it mean 15 oz or 23 oz for this recipe????

23 oz can of pumpkin puree

With apologies for my ignorance: I have never heard the generic term "dump cake." Can someone explain what it means, IN GENERAL? Thanks!!! (Another one I wish I knew: "monkey bread." Eh, the travails of a self-taught cook.)

Dump term comes from just 'dumping' the cake mix on top of the filling. Monkey bread not sure about it and if you search for it no real answer and its just something made in the USA.

What is a large can of pumpkin the 15 or 23 oz??Don't want to use too much or too little??

23 oz can of pure pumpkin puree

the recipe says white sugar, but the description above it says brown sugar (which sounds better) so which is right??

Linda, it says the large can, there's the small can (the size of a can of corn) then there's the large can (the general size of stewed tomatoes), the small can will make 1 pie and the large can 2 pies, just make sure that you get the pumpkin not the pumpkin pie filling. Japcrp, there are a number of websites out there that will give you the nutritional value of a recipe. But for Weight Watchers I would get the fat free milk, and maybe find your own recipe for cake mix and use splenda instead of a box mix you'd save several points.

Sounds wonderful! Just need to know how many ounces of pumpkin!

This recipe sounds awesome, as do a lot of your recipes, however since I'm doing Weight Watchers and yes I'm still doing the old program I need to know the nutritional value of the recipe so I can figure the points. So even though this recipe sounds yummy and easy to make I won't get to make it as I don't have the nutritional information :(

japcrp: I'm on Atkins (125 lbs down, another 35 to go!), so I also need to know precise nutritional values. Please allow me to introduce you to a great resource, from a site which doesn't even make you sign up to use it: http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-calculator.asp This tool calculates the nutritional data per serving for ANY recipe you enter into it. It takes a minute to get used to -- especially if you don't have weight/measure conversions running resident in your head! -- but it's well worth the effort.

You can use this website to figure all the nutritional data on any food or create your own recipe and know what the values are in it. http://nutritiondata.self.com/


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