Oat Milk Eggnog


Oat Milk Eggnog

Oat Milk Eggnog
Oat Milk Eggnog

"I love traditional eggnog because it’s comforting, tastes like Christmas and the perfect excuse to drink rum during daylight hours. But normal eggnog is heavy and because I’m lactose intolerant, not my number one holiday choice. I experimented with a few variations to find something lighter, dairy free and preferably with my favourite non-dairy milk – oat milk. And I’m pretty happy with the result – it’s light, creamy, totally plant-based and tastes like a glass of Christmas. Even if you’re not lactose intolerant or vegan you’ll want to give this oat milk eggnog a try because it’s so much more refreshing than the original. For the full recipe and more like it, check out Braised & Deglazed"

NotesGet the full recipe at Braised & Deglazed!

Serves4 drinks

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