Strawberry Bread


Strawberry Bread

Strawberry Bread
Strawberry Bread

"Bright and sweet, a loaf of this easy Strawberry Bread is bursting with beautiful, juicy berries and a rich, moist crumb. Use fresh or frozen strawberries for a quick breakfast, snack or dessert -- any time of year! Fresh strawberries are one of spring's greatest joys in Virginia. They're obviously perfect when enjoyed on their own, but when we get a little bit overzealous with our strawberry picking (which seems to happen every year), it's nice to have a few go-to recipes that will highlight the fruits of our labor. This simple, quick Strawberry Bread is a perfect way to enjoy freshly-picked berries for an easy make-ahead breakfast or snack, but you can certainly use frozen sliced strawberries if that's what you have available. "

Yields1 loaf

Preparation Time15 min

Chilling Time2 hr

Cooking Time1 hr 5 min

Cooking MethodOven

Cooking Vessel Size8 x 5 loaf pan

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